
Everything You Need To Know About Botox Treatment

Botox, a medication produced from Botulinum toxin has the ability to weaken and paralyze the muscles in your body. With that said, botox treatments don’t aim for that outcome. Botox treatments will only use small dosages, since it is effective in reducing facial lines and skin wrinkles, in addition to helping in the treatment of other medical problems. In this article, we will provide you with all of the information that you need about botox treatment.

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The basics of botox treatment

Botox is primarily created from the Botulinum toxin that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This is the same toxin that causes botulism. With that said, it is not toxic when used properly in doses that are small enough not to trigger toxicity. It has uses both in the cosmetics and medicinal field, but in this article, we will focus more on its cosmetic uses. Botox injections are effective in reducing the look of facial lines and wrinkles, making it an effective cosmetic treatment.

Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration or FDA has authorized it as a cure for numerous health problems, such as eyelid spasms, extreme perspiration, a number of bladder problems, as well as migraine.

Botox is extracted from the C. botulinum bacteria. This specific type of bacteria can be found in a variety of natural environments like lakes, forests, land, as well as the in the innards of animals like fish and mammals. C. botulinum bacteria that are found in their natural environment like the ones mentioned above are normally safe. They will only have a chance to become dangerous when the spores cause the cell population of the C. botulinum bacteria to increase. In case this happens, bacteria increase their production of botulinum toxin, a deadly neurotoxin that causes botulism.

Is using botox treatment safe?

Botulinum toxin is really dangerous, with scientists stating that even 1 g a battalion toxin in its crystal form have the ability to kill 1 million people. Meanwhile, 2 kg of this neurotoxin has the ability to kill all humans currently on Earth.

Despite this danger, Botox is safe when used in its medical context properly. The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology has supported this view, saying that botox is harmless and contains relatively few negative side effects as long as it’s administered by a registered physician. Companies that produce Botox shots use modest dosages of Botulinum toxin. Products like this can momentarily relax muscles, which is a great help to people with muscle problems.

How botox treatment works

Since Botox is a neurotoxin, it has the ability to affect the nervous system. It can disturb the nerve signals going to the brain, especially those signals that stimulate the interaction of the muscles. Because of this, botox is able to induce muscle paralysis on a momentary basis.

Muscles will contract as a result of a chemical released by the brain known as acetylcholine. This chemical will signal the brain receptors that are connected to muscles, which will cause them to contract. Botox have the ability to hinder the release of this brain chemical, preventing your muscles from contracting in the first place.

Usage of Botox in cosmetology

The main application of Botox in cosmetology is on reducing aging signs on the face, as well as minimizing imperfections, such as wrinkles. Botox injectables are a very popular cosmetic treatment in the United States. Reports from the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery back in 2016 have shown that there are 7 million people that availed themselves of Botox treatment. With that said, the effects of Botox treatment are not permanent. In fact, it will only last for about 3 months to 1 year. However, duration is based on the treatment that you chose. 

Botox is mainly used on the areas of the face that are mentioned below

  1. facial lines near the mouth
  2. Forehead creases
  3. Wrinkles near the eyes
  4. Facial lines between eyebrows
  5. Facial lines in the chin area

Despite botox being used in a variety of facial areas, it is only approved by the Food and Drug Administration to be applied near the eyes and your forehead.

Additionally, there is no research to support that Botox can cure dark circles, so be wary of medical establishments that offer it for that purpose. The same can be said for improving hair appearance, and other treatments other than facial lines. Other unapproved uses of Botox include treatment for psoriasis, vulvodynia, alopecia, Raynaud’s disease, neuralgia, and other similar problems. Although these are not approved, there is no reason to decide that they do not work, since a lot of previous clients have attested to their effectiveness.

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